The KILLING is coming unless we band together to show that this is unacceptable.
There has been false information expressed in the press.
The Feral Rabbit Pilot Project successfully showed an enormous amount of community support and interest. In-kind contributions in services and products were valued at about $27,000. Offers of volunteer help came from about 80 individuals. The willingness of numerous veterinarians to participate showed that a Trap-Neuter-Release Program (TNR), could be implemented in a long-term campus wide strategy to help manage the breeding population.
Also, it has been implied that the majority of the rabbits were unhealthy, and this is a myth. In the pilot project, out of 51 rabbits only 1 was euthanized, another was treated for injury, and 4 others had recovered well from previous injuries. The rest were lean, but fit.
Some press sources would lead us to believe the project cost per bunny was $345 - This cost breakdown presents a distorted picture: Sterilization costs ranged between$50 to $75 a rabbit, given the generosity of local vets who performed their services at cost or free. The amount that was reported included start-up costs and fixed salary costs, as well. Many of these initial costs would have helped support a long-term TNR program that was never seriously explored.
Culling is not cost effective!! - rabbits just come back and multiply more. Sterilization is key! Other TNR projects have shown that populations decrease and stabilize - not increase. The Standford University Project successfully demonstrated how their feral cat population of 1500 fell to 250 non-breeding animals within a few years with a sterilization and monitoring program in place. It works and there are several places across Canada and the United States that are doing the same thing.
There is no such thing as humane "culling" - Euthanol has to be injected directly into the heart of the rabbit, as exposed veins are near impossible to locate. It is exceedingly painful for the rabbit and a difficult procedure to perform on a frightened animal. The majority of veterinarians refuse to do heart puncture anymore.
Partial culling does not work and it is not necessary! TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) is the way to go. There is solid research in the literature demonstrating the success of TNR in reducing feral populations to sustainable, non-breeding numbers. Students/Faculty/Staff all want this. It's a travesty if this happens and a shame on the University's reputation if they pursue this policy.